Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!!! Well, I got the basics of my new layout up and going. I am so happy because I have really been discarding all of my ideas, but this one I like! So, now I am busy uploading all my files and working out the kinks in my layout. Hopefully I will be done soon! That's about it!

Well, I am still working on my new layout, but I do have some updates. I joined a new clique, called Perfect Guy. It is for Jeremy fans. Also, I created a book reviews page for books that are not Sweet Valley related. So, if you have a favorite book that you think other people will like, send in a review and I will post it. That's it for today! +Mona+

Hey people, I know I haven't updated in awhile, but I have been deluged with homework from my IB classes and my PSEO classes. I am struggling! Anyway, I am also working on a new layout so that should be up by the end of next week because that is my spring break. So, I will be working on stuff. Please visit and check back soon. I will have new things coming very soon. That's it! Mona

Happy March everyone! I started a new page today, called What's In A Name and it is about the characters of SY's names. Tell me what you think about it. I also updated my splash image. That's it! C-ya! +Mona+

Can you believe tomorrow is March 1? I really can't. Anyway, two new Remember When's. Check them out and send your Remember When in. I chose my March SOTM. It is Sweetness 24/7. See why I chose it by clicking here. Great job girls! That's it for now.

Finally! They have the little "spoiler" things on the back of the books for Close to You and Where We Belong! Yea! Click here to see them. Also, though this is not Senior Year related, it is related to Sweet Valley, so I thought I'd include it. It has to do with Sweet Valley Junior High, Too Many Good-Byes. Here is the spoiler:

The Wakefields are leaving Sweet Valley! Don’t miss this emotional conclusion to the series.

Jessica thought changing schools was hard. Now she’s moving to another state. What about her friends? Her boyfriend? Her life?

Her parents keep telling her to be positive. Elizabeth is trying. But if she could have one wish, it would be to stay in Sweet
Valley. Too bad that’s not going to happen.

I wonder what that is about? It sounds like the end of Junior High. Does that mean it is the end of Senior Year? I hope not! BTW, they have the spoilers for the Elizabeth series up too, but I am not posting those because I don't read the University series. That's it for now!

I changed my Song of the Month. It is Hanging By a Moment, by Lifehouse. I also got my award from All Sweet Valley up if you want to check that out under the awards and other things section. I finished my new clique, it is called SV Compliments. Be sure to check it out!

No major updates, but I have one thing to be excited for. I am All Sweet Valley's featured site. I am so happy! I have never been a featured site before. Thanks so much Jenna. I also won whozat at All Sweet Valley. It's a cool game, try it yourself. I hope to update something this weekend, but I am sort of busy, so we'll have to see. I have a new project in mind which I am starting to work on, so that will keep me busy too. Til later all! Mona

Started a Picture of the Month (POTM). It is on my main page. That's it for now. I have been working on some new sections and *hopefully* I will have them done by Monday, because I have a three day weekend this week and I don't have to work all day on Saturday, Thank God! CYa then!

I won an award from SVSY Smash. Thanks a lot Merryn! I FINALLY got my SY Scramblers updated! *applause* I added the winners from the previous SY Scrambler, and I added a new link. Also, two new views added to Viewpoints, check em out! I also created The SV Files, so go and submit one of your favorite Sweet Valley passages! That's it for now!

I hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day. No real updates except that I changed the splash image again, I really didn't like the last one. This weekend I plan on doing some major updating so be prepared! Til then!

I made a new splash image on my splash page, go check it out if you are interested. Maybe more later, but I am not sure.

I created a new link today. It is called Senior Year :The Movie: Vote and find out who Sweet Valley fans think should play each part in Senior Year. A new SY Scramblers is coming probably *hopefully* by Sunday, but we'll see. That's about it for now.

Updated the Spotlight. New spotlight character is Maria Slater.

Updated Viewpoints today with a new topic, along with a viewpoint about Conner's drinking problem. Added a new member to Heavenly Match.

Updated the current book today so it is not Too Late. Also changed my SOTM. Be sure to visit this site cause it is a great one!

New splash image. Check it out! I really like it!

Changed the SY Scramblers under the books section. Also changed the current book and added a congratulations page to find the winners of the SY Scramblers on. I also changed one of main images on my main page. That's about it.


Picked my January SOTM. It is Digital Riot by Caitlin I love the site so check it out! It is great! More updates later!