Upcoming SY Books

#27. Playing Dirty

Watch out, Ken.
Will wants his life back.

Maybe Ken thinks Will Simmons wasn't paying attention when he took his position on the football team, his college scholarship, his girlfriend . . .

His whole, entire life.

Guess what, Ken? He was.

#28. Meant to Be

Love is in the stars for Elizabeth.

Gemini --

Your Lovescope: Be prepared to face a part of your past you thought was behind you. You are at a major turning point, and if you listen to your emotions, your next step will become clear. Somebody special is ready to give you the assurances you need; it's time to trust him, and to follow your heart.

Now what's Elizabeth going to do?

#29. Where We Belong

Maria is no pushover. . . .

Ken did a few stupid things.

Okay, really stupid.

But Maria’s not a bitter person.

Now that he’s realized he messed up, she’ll forgive him.

She has to.

#30. Close To You

Real-Life Question #1: It’s time to choose where you’re going to college. Ending up in the same place as your guy is:

a. Not an issue. You’re more concerned with the quality of the cafeteria food and whether or not the dorms have big

b. So important that you’re willing to compromise your dreams.

c. A factor in your decision, but not the make-or-break one.

What will Jessica choose?