Are there things you want to say about Sweet Valley Senior Year? Do you have an opinion about a specific issue that is happening in the book? Well, here's the place to share your viewpoint! Every month, I will have a new topic to discuss. Come here and let your opinions be heard!

Topic: Jade Wu. How do you feel about her now that all her problems have sort of been revealed? Do you still hate her? Do you feel sympathy for her? Do you want Jade and Jeremy to get back together? Tell everyone what you think about this topic. To see the previous viewpoints, click here.

I think jade knew all along that Jeremy loved Jess, but she didn't want to admit it. I am glad Jess & Jeremy are back together, I don't feel sorry for Jade at all! -Merryn

Ever since around So Not Me, I've really liked Jade. I kinda hope that she gets together w/ Evan, since she was thinking about it in Straight Up. I really hope her dad doesn't win custody of her :( She's one of my faves. -Hannah

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